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Printed From: EntropiaPartners Forum
Category: EntropiaPartners
Forum Name: Ideas & Suggestions
Forum Description: Got an idea? Share it with us.
Printed Date: 13 Feb 2025 at 1:50pm

Topic: SLEGO
Posted By: GuanYu
Subject: SLEGO
Date Posted: 18 May 2019 at 10:48am

i'm a litle unhappy with SLEGO. Why? Here are my 2 reasons.
- Very hard to find someone to play with and gets worse when you get known as a good player.
- I think the prise money is too low when we are only 2 or 3 playing for the time it takes to get it.

My suggestion:
- Create a mode not pvp with prizes (a litle like the old one but not so easy to get the prizes) and with an inscription fee (ex.: 10 pec like it is atm or more).
Example of the prizes:
- 400 points - 10 pec
- 600 points - 20 pec
- 800 points - 30 pec
- 1000 points - 50 pec
At this mode you can put the raffle tikets hard to get (ex.: daily - 800 points and weekly - 1000 points)
Like this i think you would get more people playing with the same investiment.

Ofcorse this numbers are not the best but i let the maths for who understands that better :D
Huggs and Kisses (and gz for the twich channel),
Luís Vareiro.

Posted By: tonyd1509
Date Posted: 05 Aug 2022 at 12:54pm
i know what you mean about finding someone to play with on slego soooo hard, i love the little game and yes its hard when people get to know you especially when you are 2nd on leader board lke me 

Posted By: SweetFire
Date Posted: 25 Oct 2022 at 3:27am
i agree i can never find anyone to play
i go on it all the time and i want to play the game not know how
because i sit on timer and i never get player to play it with so it no fun
so i stopped trying. if anyone knows how to get a player to play with let me know 
thank you

Posted By: SweetFire
Date Posted: 31 Dec 2022 at 10:39am
i bought 100 but it still don't start any game for me and i got no answer first time i left a message

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