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Entropia Partners hunt #7

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alvin View Drop Down

Joined: 19 Feb 2014
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote alvin Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02 Mar 2014 at 8:46am

[1]hi to all!

First: i want to register for this hunt!

Second: i only have fort ithaca on my tp? whould this be enough?

Third: as weapon i have got four sollomate rubio (L) with half energy and one sollomate azuro (L) half energy too. Should i buy a opalo at tt for the hung??

Did you mean Omegaton B 101 (L) have got 3 of them in storage if you need this for the hunt you can get 2 of them for free. One B 101 i want to keep because it was a present from another player when i played the game for the first time :)) 2 weeks ago.

Starting time is entropia time?

Thanks for all you answers and i am looking forward to hunt with entropia partners.

cheers alvin

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cziak View Drop Down

Joined: 09 Sep 2013
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote cziak Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02 Mar 2014 at 7:23am
I want to register for this hunt
Max Hawk Phoenix
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Wauspaus View Drop Down

Joined: 07 Sep 2013
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Wauspaus Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02 Mar 2014 at 6:24am
Hello :D

Going to pass along the information on this hunt. Seeing as so many people liked the Atrox hunt we did a few weeks ago we are going to revisit that. So here is the information on it.
Team size: 7 (/cheer)
Teleport to get :   Sakuras city;  Lon:39673  Lat:30220
                          Jurra Plateau; Lon:70683  Lat:71613
                            Fort Ithaca; Lon:68524  Lat: 87962
Weapons that are going to be used is the Herman ARK rifle. Also as additional information as a result of our last hunt on Atrox, the strain on healers was intense so healer loot is going to be set on 1%. Also I am considering making the Atrox hunt maybe one of the more regular ones since everyone enjoyed it so much :D.
As an additional request, I am looking for someone who might have some B101 amps laying around for a reasoinable price to maybe sometimes pump some of these hunts up when we are going to be using laser weapons.

Think that is all the info I had to give on this one, a little bit more then usual but yeh :)
Happy registering
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EPHunts View Drop Down

Joined: 18 Jan 2014
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote EPHunts Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 02 Mar 2014 at 5:06am
Hello everyone,

This topic is for hunt number 7  sponsored by Entropia Partners which is going to be happening on the night from Wednesday towards Thursday, 05-03-2014 at 00.00. Again, registration closes Wednesday at 22.00. Some things have been added following some talk and the report we had from the previous run.

- All participants are part of the Entropia Partners website community
- Incase you register and not show up while the team is expecting you, you are going to be excluded from the next run by default. 
- Winners need to report in at least 15 minutes before the hunt starts to the person in the field, fail to do so will pass your spot up to the next runner up and will put you down as a no show.

- Stay close with your team, dont wander off because it can result in additional creatures being pulled
- Focus fire on the the target designated by the hunting leader in the field to make sure maximum results are achieved with the weapons and ammo
- Once a creature is pulled let it come to the group, dont run to it.
- When your run out of ammo, please dont use any other weapon in order to continu shooting to keep it fair for the rest of the team as well.
- When you are picked to be on the team please make sure that 30min before the event starts you added the hunting leader to your friend list and PM'ed her.

Other info:
- The hunt will take place on Calypso
- The weapon of choice will rotate a bit more, the Opalo is a good weapon but there are more weapons out there to hunt with. The amount of ammo can change depending on group size as well.

- The hunt leader in the field is Simone Wauspaus Kelleners
- Incase the hunting grounds of the day is near a TP which isnt included into the beginning members TP package (or if a person might not have it), the group will be flown to the location.
- All registration is going to happen via the forums here in this topic, for consecutive runs a new topic will be made per run and maybe a seperate forum section will be opened for these topics.
- All hunts atm will happen on Wednesdays (towards Thursday) at 00.00 game time, meaning registration will close at 22.00 game time.
-The winning team will consist out of 6 people, incase there is a no show, the next runner up will be contacted
- I myself am not part of EP, also because of that and the high volume of posts that might come from me I wont be participating in the contributers reward done by EP 
-All weapons and ammo are sponsored by Entropia Partners and are given to the winning team members to be used during the hunt.
- Diminishing returns will be applied to people who have entered a hunt to reduce the chance of people entering a hunt twice in a row. Once a person is not having a spot, the diminishing returns will disapear. Keep in mind, this doesnt mean a person is unable to enter a hunt twice in a row, just lowers its chance.

Some things might be added in the future which I forgot or which is changed.


As mentioned, registration is going to happen via the forums. In this section I will list all the names of people who have registered just to make sure people know that they have registered as well. I will try to update it on a daily basis. Once registration closes which will be 2 hours prior to the event, 6 people will be picked at random using a tool and will be announced on the forum here as well. To make sure a person wants to register please reply in the topic with "I want to register for this hunt" followed up by your full ingame avatar name (for backup contacting and verification). Just to avoid confusion.
Because of the high amount of registrations, there is research being done to increase the team size every now and again. This does mean a little less ammo per person. 
Keep in mind that this is being researched and not a fact yet. Simone is working on it.

Registrations list for hunt #4, Wednesday  05-03-2014, 00.00 game time:
-Jla A3R10N Gaddi
-Rade Ender Stanton
Arien Rho Da
alvin avatar1984 peter
Carrie Ann Morris
Jeremy Jeremy Mcleod
Adam Timp McCluster
King Steffano Marrano
Igor Ceaseer Genesis
Keelar Genius Supreme
Test Jqkill Muffin
Schalke Hellgod GER

Winning team:
1: Rade Ender Stanton
2: Igor Ceaseer Genesis
3: Adam Timp McCluster
4: Jeremy Jeremy Mcleod
5: Keelar Genius Supreme
6: Carrie Ann Morris
7: The Great WARLOCK 

Backup list in order:
8: King Steffano Marrano
9: alvin avatar1984 peter
10:Jla A3R10N Gaddi
11:Test Jqkill Muffin
12:Arien Rho Da
13: Schalke Hellgod GER

Additional information about this hunt:
Closest TP to obtain:  Sakuras city;  Lon:39673  Lat:30220
                              Jurra Plateau; Lon:70683  Lat:71613
                                Fort Ithaca; Lon:68524  Lat: 87962
Team size: 7                                                              Weapon: Herman ARK
Team Leader: Simone Wauspaus Kelleners                       Healer loot: 1%

I hope you guys like the initiative, keep in mind this is a hunt for Entropia Partners members, sponsored by Entropia Partners.
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