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    Posted: 29 Dec 2013 at 9:07am
DEP discussion thread: Follow the link for discussion about DEPs.

Introducing DEP: EntropiaPartners Debentures
We are happy to invite all EP users for a direct involvement in EP expansion. EP Debentures or DEPs are contracts which EP users will buy from the EP earnings for a steady daily income. Here are some salient features of DEPs:
  1. Users will purchase DEPs from their earnings through EP services. We will not accept your real life money, or virtual money in-game. Earn from EP, invest in EP.
  2. EP will release DEPs periodically and based on demand.
  3. Each DEP will be issued at a base price of 10 PED / 250 L$ / 30 m ISK.
  4. Each DEP will earn you a fixed 0.02 PED / 0.5 L$ / 60 k ISK everyday. At the base price it represents 0.2% daily or ~6% monthly or more than 72% yearly profit.
  5. DEP earnings will be credited to your EP balance on daily basis.
  6. DEPs will be tradable among EP users. You will have an easy-to-use interface to buy/sell DEPs. Your EP account will be debited/credited instantly.
  7. You will be able to hand over DEPs to EP at the base rates.

Background & Motivation
Some of you may ask why EP is willing to pay up to 6% monthly / 70% annual interest to DEP holders. The following provides some insights as to why EP has taken this step:
  • EntropiaPartners has seen steady organic growth over the course of 2013 & expects this tendency to continue in 2014.
  • Many growing businesses, no matter how small or big, see expansion opportunities arise that cannot necessarily be funded by current revenue levels.
  • As it happens EP does envisage a number of additions to its service platform and target customers in the coming year. (Further details to be published in due course)
  • In order to start the work in a timely fashion various funding options have been discussed. 
  • We decided in favor of DEPs because we feel that DEPs best reflect our approach towards direct user involvement & creating win/win situations for all EPians.

Where is the catch?
  1. You will be able to sell back DEPs to EP anytime at the base rates, but your account will be credited back after 28 days.
  2. DEPs purchased will start paying from next day. For the same day, those DEPs will not be paying.
  3. There will be a fixed 0.5% transaction fee each DEP when you sell it to other users or hand it back to EP.
  4. Once you place a sell order, those DEPs will stop paying.

Edited by TiaWatkins - 03 Jan 2014 at 1:04pm
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Rules and Regulations

  • The first batch consisting of 1000 DEPs will be issued on 10 January 2014.
  • As from 3 Jan 2014, users can raise their interest.
  • Booking bids start at 10 PED / 250 L$ / 30 m ISK per unit. The highest offers will receive DEP allocations accordingly. Bids placed first will take precedence as a second rule.
  • Offers can be withdrawn. A cancellation fee of 0.10 PED / 2.5 L$ / 0.30 m ISK will be charged.

P2P Trade
Selling DEPs
  • DEP offered for sale will become ineligible for earnings.
  • The seller will be charged 0.5% of the total transaction value upon sale. User account will be credited instantly with the followings when DEPs are sold.
  • Cancelling an order will not invite any fees will invite a 0.02 PED / 0.50 L$ / 0.06 m ISK fee. Respective DEPs will not be eligible for paying till next day.
  • Non paying DEPs will take priority when placing sell orders.
  • Order can be fulfilled partially.
  • Lowest offer price will take precedence followed by time of placing the orders.

Purchasing DEPs
  • It will not be possible to place buy offers at a set price. All purchases will be made from open sell orders with the lowest ask price(s).
  • You can place a buy order. If there is a matching sell order (at same or lower price), it will me executed within 20 seconds.
  • If a sell order with lower price is matched, the difference will be credited back to your EP account.
  • Cancelling an order will not invite any fees will invite a 0.02 PED / 0.50 L$ / 0.06 m ISK fee.
  • Order can be fulfilled partially.
  • Newly purchased DEPs in your vault will start paying from next day.

DEP Redemption
  • DEP holders can return their holdings back to EP at any time.
  • DEPs will be redeemed at the base price of 10 PED / 250 L$ / 30 m ISK per unit. A fee of 0.5% will be charged.
  • The corresponding value will be credited to user account balance within 28 days of redeeming the DEPs.

  • EntropiaPartners reserves the right to issue new DEPs at any time.
  • EntropiaPartners reserves the right to buy back DEPs from individual users.
  • EntropiaPartners is neither responsible nor liable for users trading activities and any losses they might incur.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (3) Thanks(3)   Quote Tia Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 24 Jan 2014 at 6:37am
DEP Release: Schedule 2
  • The second batch consisting of 1500 DEPs will be issued on 12 February 2014.
  • As from 1 February 2014, users can raise their interest.
  • Booking bids start at 10 PED / 250 L$ / 30 m ISK per unit. The highest offers will receive DEP allocations accordingly. Bids placed first will take precedence as a second rule.
  • Offers can be withdrawn. A cancellation fee of 0.10 PED / 2.5 L$ / 0.30 m ISK will be charged.
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DEP Split and Buyback
August 10 2023

We are splitting DEPs so smaller accounts can participate in the P2P market. We are also going to buyback at least 50% of the DEPs over next quarters. Please read the following to understand how it will work. Please note that this will be integrated in next day or two. You do not need to do anything at your end.

DEP Split
  • Each DEP will split into 2 DEPs. You will own 2x the DEPs you owned.
  • Each DEP will pay 0.01 PED / 0.25 L$ a day now (half of what it was earlier).
  • Existing market orders will be adjusted accordingly; effectively making the asking/bid prices to half of what they are now.
  • This will allow more members to participate in DEP P2P market.

  • Please see the example below to understand how this will work.
  • We will be buying back all pre-booked DEPs (purchased directly from EP) and half of DEPs you purchased (and now own) from P2P market.
  • All such DEPs marked for buy back will be shown as "Locked" in your vault. Locked DEPs will be unavailable for trading in P2P market.
  • Pre-booked DEP will no longer pay. This may affect your daily DEP earnings.
  • PEDs purchased from P2P market will keep paying as usual.

Buyback Price
  • All pre-booked DEP will be bought back at the base rate (10 PED / 250 L$ each OR 5 PED / 125 L$ after the split). It has been 9 years since many of you had acquired these DEPs and since have manifolded your investment. A fair deal!
  • DEPs purchased from P2P market will be bought back at the price you paid. Earliest orders will be used to calculate the average price you paid for each DEP you own today. Fair deal again!!

Examples (Split, Locked & Paying)
Example 1
You purchased 20 DEP during pre-booking phase in 2014.
After that you have sold few and purchased few in open P2P market since then.
Today you own 30 DEP.

In this case 20 out of 30 will be considered pre-booked and 10 from P2P market.

Now after the split it makes 40 pre-booked (2x20) and 20 (2x10) from P2P market.
We will lock all pre-booked (40) and half of P2P ones (20/2=10).
So you will see a total 50 (40+10) locked DEPs.

Please note that pre-booked DEPs no longer pay. So you will see 20 paying DEPs.

Before split: Total - 30, Paying - 30, Locked - 0
After split: Total 60, Paying - 20, Locked - 50

Example 2
You purchased 20 DEP during pre-booking phase in 2014.
After that you have sold few and purchased few in open P2P market since then.
Today you own 15 DEP.

In this case all 15 will be considered pre-booked.

Now after the split it makes 30 pre-booked (2x15).
We will lock all pre-booked (30) DEPs.
So you will see a total 30 locked DEPs.

Please note that pre-booked DEPs no longer pay. So you will see 0 paying DEPs.

Before split: Total - 15, Paying - 15, Locked - 0
After split: Total 30, Paying - 0, Locked - 30

Example 3
You did not participate in pre-booking phase.
You have sold few and purchased few in open P2P market since 2014.
Today you own 30 DEP.

In this all 30 will be considered from P2P market.

Now after the split it makes 60 (2x30) from P2P market.
We will lock half of P2P ones (60/2=30).
So you will see a total 30 locked DEPs.

These will keep on paying so you will see 60 paying DEPs.

Before split: Total - 30, Paying - 30, Locked - 0
After split: Total 60, Paying - 60, Locked - 30

Example (Buyback Price)
All locked DEPs will ultimately be bought back by EP in coming months.
Check examples above. Some of these locked DEPs may be pre-booked.
Each pre-booked DEP has a base buyback price which is 5 PED / 125 L$.
(Base price was 10 PED / 250 L$ but we have split the DEPs, right)
For P2P DEPs we will calculate the average price from your earliest transactions.

  1. Your DEP vault will now show your locked DEPs with buyback price.
  2. You will see transactions in your account (credit remarks - DEP Buyback) over the period.
  3. P2P DEP will be bought back first, in the order they were purchased, followed by pre-booked DEPs.
  4. You will see the locked DEP count decreasing when such credits happen.
  5. You may also see the paying DEP count going down if you have pre-booked DEPs (see point 3).
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