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Big Boss
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Joined: 18 Aug 2013
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Topic: Contributor Rewards Posted: 21 Aug 2013 at 7:05am |
We have deployed this forum to benefit EntropiaPartners community as a whole. Explore, share and help each other to get the best. Now you can also earn by participating actively.
Best Contributor Rewards
We are happy to announce cash rewards to the best contributors on this forum. You don't have to be a great writer to participate in this program. This is how you can benefit EntropiaPartners community:
Help others with their queries.Ask right questions which benefits the community.Suggest features and give ideas to help us improve our services.Any other activity which you think will benefit the community.It's the quality content that matters; not the number of posts.
Upto 1000 PED / 25,000 L$ will be given to the best contributors. Results will be announced here at the end of each month.
Post a Payment Proof Yes, they need to see how much EntropiaPartners members are earning. Post your payment proofs and get more cash in your account. Post a payment proof of: - 1000 PED / 25,000 L$ or more, and get an extra 10%.
- 500 PED / 12,500 L$ or more, and earn 30 PED / 750 L$.
- 200 PED / 5,000 L$ or more, and get 10 PED / 250 L$.
- 100 PED / 2,500 L$ or more, and earn 4 PED / 100 L$.
- 50 PED / 1,250 L$ or more, and earn 1.50 PED / 37.5 L$.
- 20 PED / 500 L$ or more, and earn 0.40 PED / 10 L$.
These rewards will be credited to your EntropiaPartners account.
Guideline to post payment Proofs - You must post the payment proof within 3 days of withdrawal.
- Please crop the images to a suitable size.
- Help: How to post images
Additional guidelines for SecondLife Residents - Make sure that you have switched on payment alerts in SecondLife client before requesting a withdraw. Withdrawals are automated and you don't want to miss the screenshot.
- Post a clear screenshot of the payment alert. You can hide other parts of the image including your name.
- Make sure you are following SecondLife community guidelines for your own safety. Hiding any open chat window will be a good idea.
- ALTERNATIVELY, in case you missed the payment alert, please post a screenshot of your L$ Transaction History page displaying the payment.
Additional guidelines for Entropia Universe colonists - Post a clear screenshot of the trade window with EP Payment representative. Make sure the PED/PEC are visible in trade window.
- You must also post a screenshot of the payment chat window from the website.
Please note that the decision of EntropiaPartners will be final in case of any dispute.
Big Boss
Grand Master
Joined: 19 Aug 2013
Location: EU & SL
Points: 4473
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Posted: 01 Nov 2013 at 7:24am |
Winners: September 2013250 PED - Prosac 200 PED - Sluggo 150 PED - alkhzar 100 PED - Talmaru 100 PED - mzzaa 50 PED each - mbevi, babaroga1x, rosenoire, greysloth, klueless, hunter
Big Boss
Grand Master
Joined: 19 Aug 2013
Location: EU & SL
Points: 4473
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Posted: 01 Nov 2013 at 7:24am |
Winners: October 2013250 PED - Sluggo 200 PED - Norian 150 PED - Prosac 100 PED - klueless 100 PED - babaroga1x 50 PED each - Talmaru, JoCraft, SirWhizer, Zanzibarjones, blitzer
Big Boss
Grand Master
Joined: 19 Aug 2013
Location: EU & SL
Points: 4473
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Posted: 05 Jan 2014 at 10:56am |
Winners: November, December 2013230 PED - prosac 180 PED each - jqkill 180, athenakitty 150 PED each - sluggo, norian 130 PED each - blitzer, maybe 100 PED each - ovolon, babaroga1x 80 PED each - anarchist, delb0d, klueless, radioactive, joCraft 50 PED each - Kombinacka, BBGlobal, Philipkelly, Wauspaus
Big Boss
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Joined: 19 Aug 2013
Location: EU & SL
Points: 4473
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Posted: 02 Mar 2014 at 7:15am |
Winners: January, February 2014220 PED each - Kingy, Prosac 180 PED each - Wauspaus, Sluggo, BBGlobal 150 PED each - jqkill, blitzer, Talmaru 100 PED each - Kombinacka, Norian, Onat42, MayBe, WARLOCK, carrieann, babaroga1x, JoCraft
Big Boss
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Joined: 19 Aug 2013
Location: EU & SL
Points: 4473
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Posted: 21 May 2014 at 6:10am |
Winners: March, April 2014220 PED each - Wauspaus 180 PED each - Kingy, jqkill, Sluggo, Krystme 150 PED each - LadyBobJane, MayBe, Ceaseer 100 PED each - Onat42, alvin, zobadias, cziak, WARLOCK, carrieann, Norian
Big Boss
Grand Master
Joined: 19 Aug 2013
Location: EU & SL
Points: 4473
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Posted: 07 Sep 2014 at 11:16am |
Winners: May-August 2014250 PED each - Alkhzar, Sluggo, jqkill, Wauspaus, zobadias 200 PED each - cziak, phobos209, StMzzaaFidai, MayBe, Onat42, Ceaseer, Krystme, wournos, AdamFooter 175 PED each - carrieann, Norian, babaroga1x, Kingy, Patrick, Juanp 50 PED - UnderDog
Big Boss
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Joined: 19 Aug 2013
Location: EU & SL
Points: 4473
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Posted: 14 Nov 2014 at 5:07am |
Winners: September, October 2014250 PED each - Sluggo, jqkill 180 PED each - Krystme, Wolv69 120 PED each - Wauspaus, MayBe75 PED each - StMzzaaFidai, zeeneedle, Ceaseer, NorianNorianXx
Big Boss
Grand Master
Joined: 19 Aug 2013
Location: EU & SL
Points: 4473
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Posted: 13 Mar 2015 at 4:11pm |
Winners: November 2014 - February 2015250 PED each - Krystme, Sluggo 180 PED each - jqkill, StMzzaaFidai, Wolv69, Zanzibarjones 100 PED each - zeeneedle, Ceaseer, Addicted, Wauspaus, KingFlo 50 PED each - TheeTimp, blitzer, Stilag, darealist 20 PED each - LostInPed, Russiafreak233, DrBojangles, Ouizardia, Lissie, 8i67yjcgjhedf, MrBock, Aonir